Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Save whitebait

White bait is one of my favourite fish and if cleaning up the rivers will save the white bait then I am in support! However, regardless of whether this will save the whitebait we should be cleaning up and keeping our rivers clean for eternity. We are blessed with a beautiful country which attracts many visitors all year around and they should be able to share rivers with us which are pristine, with sparkling water and free of unsightly debris. I am now looking forward to the first catch of whitebait for 2019!


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Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Waste-To-Energy Plant

I don't think that we should have one as we are carting waste from far away and this is not an efficient way of  getting rid of waste. 

Whitebait woes

The life cycle of the whitebait is just 90 years.  This means that if we deplete the fish when they are at their smallest and most easily caught we remove their ability to breed and thus replenish the population.  The population is taken from is no longer is sustainable.  We need to put in place some sensible way of managing the way the whitebait are being harvested.  
However, the idea of most people who take whitebait do not on the highest of incomes.  Some of their income is supplemented by taking Whitebait and selling it and we may need to compensate these in the form of supplemental income or alternative sources of income while they become used to not using Whitebait as an income stream.


Wasteland not Westland




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We cannot continue to bury waste, we need to be smarter and more efficient in managing our waste, the fact that we can use the by-product from a Waste-to-Energy plant to generate heat for Westland Milk Products and help cut their carbon emissions from burning coal, with the run-off  being used for aquaculture and horticulture, all which will help Westland's economy and make us a leader in the field of waste management!


Go the Waste to Energy plant!!!



Waste to Energy plant opponents want Westland not Wasteland

I am yet to make an opinion on this issue. However I do have an opinion on the way the majority of people react to change. Every time there is to be a change even a slight one that won't affect many people the same people get on their high horse before they even know the facts so because of this I will not form an opinion until I know the facts.



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Stop commercial catch and clean up rivers

The key threat to whitebait is habitat loss. Without clean rivers with shady banks our adults can not survive. Without adults we have no juvenile. Commercial catch limits the number of fry that could potentially breed. Cleaning our rivers can potentially increase juvenile numbers allowing for commercial fishing  in the future.
Kristine Hickford 
Kaniere School

White-baiting should be banned

The young fish collectively known as White-bait, are an endangered native species. They should be protected purely because they are a native species. They should be further given protection because their numbers are declining.

Commercial whitebait collection should at least be monitored with an annual quota.

Why do people eat the young fish anyway? We don't need it, it's not an essential part of our daily nutrient intake.

Just sit on the river-bank, enjoy the scenery, the company and the peace. No need to catch anything.


Westland not Wasteland

As a new resident of Hokitika I find it very disappointing that rubbish often ends up being disposed of very hap haphazardly and often ends up causing problems further along the lines. As a small town on the west coast we should be setting a better example and showing larger cities how efficient waste management and recycling can be. Westland not wasteland 
Browmyn and James, Hokitika Primary 


 He kaitaiaki tātou o Papatūānuku  me te aō mō āpōpō ake.He taonga tēnei mai i Tangaroa. Hei tiaki , hei manaaki hoki.
We are the guardians for the environment and the future. 
What we do now will either create a better world for the future.


Westland not Wasteland

Westland is a pristine environment that needs to be protected. We will be selling out our best natural resource if the waste to energy plant goes ahead. Also, if the waste to energy plant is created, this will have a detrimental effect on one of our top industries. There may be a short term gain, but ultimately that long term cost is far too high.
